All systems are operational

Past Incidents

10th April 2024

No incidents reported

9th April 2024

No incidents reported

8th April 2024

Web: San Francisco Nginx offline on opal8

The front-end Nginx proxy on opal8 is currently down and as a result customer sites on opal8 are offline. We're working to restore service at this time.

  • All services on opal8 are back online.

  • Nginx is back online, we're now working to restore Apache for sites that use it.

  • 7th April 2024

    No incidents reported

    6th April 2024

    No incidents reported

    5th April 2024

    No incidents reported

    4th April 2024

    No incidents reported

    3rd April 2024

    Dashboard Control panel delays for US email

    At the present time there is a backlog of mailbox and email address changes for the US email system that are waiting to be processed. We expect this backlog to be clear within the next 2-3 hours.

    There is no delay in mail delivery, this is only affecting changes to email objects made via our customer control panel.