MariaDB on OPAL4 has crashed, we're working to identify the cause and solution now.
We've seen no further problems since our last update.
The issue with database permissions is resolved and the MariaDB service is back online and operating normally. We will continue to monitor.
We've discovered that there is still a problem with database permissions. We're working to resolve that at this time.
The data restoration has completed and we are continuing to monitor the server as usage increases.
The restoration is approximately 75% complete.
The data restoration is approximately 50% complete.
The MariaDB restore process is still running.
The database corruption is unrecoverable so we will proceed with restoring from backups. The most recent valid backups were from 1.5 hours before the server crashed so we'll proceed with the restore from there.
The restoration process varies in completion time. It may take up to 6 hours or more. We'll keep this post updated.