MariaDB on OPAL4 has crashed, we're working to identify the cause and solution now.
We've seen no further problems since our last update.
The issue with database permissions is resolved and the MariaDB service is back online and operating normally. We will continue to monitor.
We've discovered that there is still a problem with database permissions. We're working to resolve that at this time.
The data restoration has completed and we are continuing to monitor the server as usage increases.
The restoration is approximately 75% complete.
The data restoration is approximately 50% complete.
The MariaDB restore process is still running.
The database corruption is unrecoverable so we will proceed with restoring from backups. The most recent valid backups were from 1.5 hours before the server crashed so we'll proceed with the restore from there.
The restoration process varies in completion time. It may take up to 6 hours or more. We'll keep this post updated. (washington DC shared hosting) is currenty not responding. We're investigating at this time.
The outage was caused by a very heavy spike in system load, itself caused by a brief (but intense) attack from an abusive IP address. The problem has been mitigated and the server has been stable since our previous update.
opal12 is back online and stable at this time. The cause of the outage is still under investigation.
No incidents reported
No incidents reported
No incidents reported (Frankfurt shared hosting) is currently experiencing heavy load. We're working to resolve it at this time.
We've identified the cause of the problem and have taken measures to mitigate it as of about 3 hours ago. The server has been stable since that time.
The high load was caused by heavy CPU usage from the MariaDB service. We're still working to identify the exact cause but the server is stable at this time.
At this time the MariaDB service on opal10 is offline. We're working to restore service and will update this post when more information is available.
The recovery is complete and the database service is back online.
We've been unable to recover the MariaDB service in-place, so we're restoring the service from the most recent backup which was completed about 13 hours ago at 04:21 UTC.
The estimated recovery time is 4 hours or less. We'll update this post when more information is available.
The MariaDB InnoDB store on opal10 is corrupted. We're still working to recover but do not have an ETA at this time.
No incidents reported