Some systems are experiencing issues

Stickied Incidents

12th September 2024

Web: Washington D.C. opal12 blocked by Malwarebytes

At this time (Washington DC shared hosting) is being blocked by Malwarebytes. The cause was an outbound SSH attack from a compromised customer shell account which caused the server to be listed in a major block list. As a result visitors who use Malwarebytes may see a warning when visiting sites hosted on opal12.

We're working with the block list operator to have the server delisted and expect to have this resolved within the next couple of days.

In the meantime, you may be able to work around the problem by adding your site domain and/or server IP to your Malwarebytes exception list.

Past Incidents

5th April 2024

No incidents reported

4th April 2024

No incidents reported

3rd April 2024

Dashboard Control panel delays for US email

At the present time there is a backlog of mailbox and email address changes for the US email system that are waiting to be processed. We expect this backlog to be clear within the next 2-3 hours.

There is no delay in mail delivery, this is only affecting changes to email objects made via our customer control panel.

2nd April 2024

Email: USA Delays in US incoming mail

At this time there is a high load condition on one of our US IMAP servers which is a variety of issues for some US mail customers including:

  • Delays in the receipt of incoming mail
  • Slow performance in IMAP mail clients
  • Slow performance in the Opalstack US webmail system

We're working to mitigate the problem at this time and will update this post when more information is available.

  • All pending incoming US mail has been delivered.

  • The high load condition is resolved and the backlog of pending mail is being delivered.

  • 1st April 2024

    No incidents reported

    31st March 2024

    No incidents reported

    30th March 2024

    Web: San Francisco Opal14 not responding

    Opal14 (SFO shared hosting) is currently not responding. We're investigating at this time.

  • There was a second incident of the same type of problem but on a different site operated by the same customer. We've mitigated the problem to prevent it from occurring again and the server is stable at this time.

  • Opal14 is back online. The cause of the issue was high Apache RAM usage which resulted from a bad rewrite rule in a customer site. We've isolated the site and are working with the customer to correct the problem. We'll continue to monitor.